Have you ever visited a children’s hospital? If not, I hope you do. I am so grateful for them when our precious little angels need help! Over the 40 years that I’ve been involved with Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, I’ve learned many lessons from those precious children served there. The most amazing thing I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter what the child is going through, they all stay positive and exude love and concern for the others around them! Whether it’s for the other patients or their own family members who are worried, they are just amazing kids!!! It’s humbling, to say the least, and they inspire me to strive to be more positive, kind, and loving to those around me.
When I visit these incredible places, I am overwhelmed by the love that I feel for everyone there. That includes ALL the hospital workers! I have witnessed miracles at the hands of these caring doctors, nurses, and staff—I’ve witnessed these miracles as my kids, at one time or another, were in a children's hospital. Two of my children’s lives were saved there; One at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, and another at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. Two of my precious granddaughter's lives were saved at Children’s Hospital Orange County in California. All I can say is I’m so grateful for the people who are there 24-7, ready to serve a child when they are in need.
I’ve been asked before how the idea of Children’s Miracle Network began. Well, it was at an award show with John Schneider…I’m sure you’ve heard the story before. But, for me, it began years before that night with my niece, Jennifer; my brother Tom’s daughter. She was born without a skull and only lived a few hours. When she was born, my mom called me (my brother Tom is deaf) and said, “Tom needs you to come to the hospital right now. He said to tell you that he needs his sister.” I remember telling her, “Mom I don’t know if I can do it—I don’t think my heart can take it.” She encouraged me saying, “Marie, we are promised in scripture that our weaknesses can become our strengths. So, sweetheart, please pray for strength because your brother really needs you right now!” As I hung up the phone I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to be there and it wasn’t so much for my brother but for this little girl. I felt so strongly through my body that I needed to hold my niece.
The experience in that hospital room was so profound, I can barely even describe it except to say that there were angels in that room. When I arrived at the hospital room, my brother placed her broken little body into my arms. As I held her, I knew that her life was quickly slipping away. Then suddenly, her little hand moved towards mine and she put her tiny little fingers around my finger and squeezed it tight. It was as if she was saying to me, “Thank you for coming, Auntie. I’m just here to gain a body for my spirit and then I will move on to the next existence. I knew you’d be here for me, and I love you!” I felt that I knew this sweet little baby girl from before this life and a tremendous love poured through my heart and soul. That feeling changed my heart forever! Jennifer, this precious little soul who drifted in and out of our lives so quickly, changed everything for me. It was because of her that I saw the need for families to have places to go when their children need help.
I have since been able to spend countless hours at Children’s hospitals. As I said, I have never met a child in these hospitals that didn’t have the most beautiful attitude despite whatever challenges they were going through. They are unique teachers and leaders; showing us how to be brave and strong through their examples.
In Matthew 18: 1-5 the Savior called a little child to him and placed the child among them. He said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
I have had to learn what He means in this section.
Let me introduce you to one of those amazing kids I have met. I can’t tell you how much I love her!!!! She is my hero, and I could not love her more!!!!!!!! I continually think if she can overcome her challenges, then, for goodness sake, so can I!
This is RE! She is one of our Miracle Children. I met her at a Children’s Miracle Network Hospital event and she is one of the reasons I spend so much time helping these kids and their families have a children’s hospital in their local area. As you can see, RE was born without arms. But she doesn’t let that discourage her. She has overcome tremendous challenges in her life and achieved many amazing things!
I was deeply touched when RE described learning to ride a bike as feeling like eating a “piece of candy.” That’s how much it meant to her. Activities that most of us take for granted are as sweet as candy to those who have incredible obstacles in their way. When she decides to tackle a new challenge, she says, “The effort alone just makes me stronger”. Well, she is so right! And, isn’t that how this earth life works?! We all have weaknesses. Some are more difficult than others. But I know RE’s example is the pattern the Lord wants us to follow. He wants us to be STRONG and make our weaknesses our strengths!
I believe God knows what he’s doing, and the Lord is preparing a new generation to be ready and strong enough to take on whatever challenges they will face. I’m not the least bit worried about these brilliant children being born into this chaotic world because they were born to be STRONG!
Because of these beautiful children I’ve come to know over the years, I want to work harder, stay positive🥰, and be STRONG!
As we celebrate the Savior’s birth this month, let’s strive to emulate his example of how to comfort, help, love, and heal those around us. Keep the faith by having a positive attitude in our hearts…even through our greatest trials. God knows that the storms WILL eventually pass and they will make us stronger!!!!
Enjoy this first week of December….
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!
xoxo #Sundaymessage #strong #childrensmiraclenetwork #cmn #marieosmond