Marie's Sunday Message - July 28, 2019

I have absolutely loved being on tour and seeing so many of you! I’ve enjoyed our get-together during sound checks and being able to answer some of your questions. You are all very special to me!  Today my band, Daniel Emmet, a fantastic symphony orchestra, and I are performing in Tulsa, OK, to another incredible sold-out audience. I feel so blessed beyond words and am so grateful to all of you for the love that you have shown me throughout my career. Thank you for the six decades I have been performing… I know it’s because of you, and I am grateful you have been with me on this incredible journey.

The other day in Arlington, TX, we were talking about some of life’s challenges at the soundcheck. It seems like everybody’s going through something right now! I told everyone there I had just received this text from a friend right before soundcheck and felt it was appropriate for the questions being asked... I love it when these things happen… No accidents🥰

“When the storm is over, you will wonder how you ever got through it and survived. But know this: when you come out of the storm, you will not be the same person you were when you walked into it. That is what the storm was all about.”

After reading that, I told everyone I’ve been so blessed to do many things in this life… I’ve had many achievements. But the truth is, when it comes to the final seas of my life, the things that will really matter won't be the gold records or awards, etc. It will be that my children and grandchildren will hopefully want to be around me. These things don’t happen unless we put the time and effort into being with them, and that’s what I want to focus on more and more. I love my children, and I love my grandchildren, and I want to be a part of THEIR lives! This reminded me of a saying I absolutely love! 

“You ask, ‘What is my real purpose in life?’

What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk to that kid about his life? Or when you paid for that older man's dinner in the restaurant? Or when you saved that dog in traffic? Or when you tied your father's shoes for him?

Your problem is that you equate your purpose with goal-based achievement. The Universe isn't interested in your achievements... just your heart. When you choose to act out of kindness, compassion, and love, you are already aligned with your true purpose. 

No need to look any further.”

I love this! God doesn’t care what we do in this life. What He does care about is that we are kind to each other when we do it. This reminded me of my #SundayMessage from July 28, 2019. It was after performing at a special interfaith concert where we brought people together, celebrated our love for our savior, Jesus Christ, and encouraged all to show kindness to those around us. I am reposting that message today with the hope that we will all make it our goal this holiday season to look for ways to show kindness to others. After all, isn’t that what God would want us to do?😉 Have a beautiful Sunday, and always remember how much I love you!

Marie’s Sunday Message 

July 28, 2019

I just finished the most wonderful weekend performing with some amazing friends. I didn’t get to bed until 3 am, and I’m up early getting ready to go to several different denominational churches to worship and celebrate last night’s #Redeemer concert. It was a special interfaith celebration, and it was amazing. We spent the evening putting our religious differences aside, understanding that we ALL have one thing in common… we believe in the same Jesus Christ!!!

I heard a quote this week that touched my heart, especially with the concert coming up: “Comparison is the thief of all joy.” 

As we came together, all religions, under one stadium roof to celebrate ALL our Christian joy, we did it united through music! In doing this free concert for over 20,000 people, we only asked our audience to bring cans of food to donate to their local churches to feed the poor. As the scripture in Luke says, “He has filled the Hungry with good things.” So last night, we fed our audience through music, and they fed others with their food donations. 🤗 Through this effort and by putting aside our religious comparisons or differences, the community received thousands of pounds of food. Now that’s pure love and joy!!! #LightTheWorld

The Savior says in John 13:34, “A new commandment I give unto you…as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”  So, this Sabbath day, see if someone you know might need a little pick me up. Pray and ask for direction, then follow your feelings. You’ll know when you are prompted by the Spirit and who and how to bless them.😉 Whether it’s by writing a note, sending a sweet gift, or simply sharing a smile or laugh, a simple “act of service” could change their day and yours too! Happy Sunday, and remember how much I love you!


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